Here in a couple of hours, I'll be reffing for PCOC. I love the field and there's a lot of nice people out almost every time you go out.
My reffing background is pretty short. I have reffed a Tournament once with a older team, and a few weeks ago I reffed and now I am doing it again today. It's pretty fun to see new comers come in and shoot their friends. You will never have a bad time going paintball. So if you are on the edge, just do it. Sure it hurts a little, but during the game it won't, and it hardly will afterwards while you take a shower. A big pro to this is you will have awesome stories and you'll have a smile on your face the whole time.
I may get to meet a professional paintball player, which is pretty cool in its own right. Maybe I'll get to play a game or so, we'll have to wait and see.
My reffing background is pretty short. I have reffed a Tournament once with a older team, and a few weeks ago I reffed and now I am doing it again today. It's pretty fun to see new comers come in and shoot their friends. You will never have a bad time going paintball. So if you are on the edge, just do it. Sure it hurts a little, but during the game it won't, and it hardly will afterwards while you take a shower. A big pro to this is you will have awesome stories and you'll have a smile on your face the whole time.
I may get to meet a professional paintball player, which is pretty cool in its own right. Maybe I'll get to play a game or so, we'll have to wait and see.