Coming Back to Paintball

Hello.  My name is Gabe.  I'm 21 years old now, but first time playing was a long time ago.

The First I time I have ever played was early 2000 for Christmas My parents got us all Paintball guns (I have 2 brothers.)  We got ready and played, I was quite young at the time and nothing scared me more than getting shot.

Fast forward 5 years or so, and my oldest brother started playing again and he pretty much paid for everything, I don't understand how he could afford both of us.  We played in a few tournaments together around Oklahoma and then slowly stopped playing.

In that time we stopped, I would watch videos, still had an itch to play, but never had any money since I was still in school.  After High School, I went to a vo tech, but couldn't get a job in IT, so I got a job with AT&T.  I finally have money.  I worked with AT&T for over a year before I really wanted to get back into paintball.

A few things happened in my life, and I wasn't sure what else to do, so I checked pbnation for new Markers, found an Ego and Spire combination and I was set.

Now on a great team, learning how to play and how to be the best I can.

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